DiscDot Target Aide


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Target the link you want to aim for.

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42 in stock

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Reduce mental distractions, find your sweet spot, and improve your scores! The muscle memory and instant feedback loop that DiscDot provides during your practice routine translates into fewer missed putts on the course!
Classic color DiscDots are bright and UV resistant made to last years of abuse.

UV color DiscDots are infused with UV reactive pigments and glow when exposed to UV (Sunlight and blacklight) – these colors are very vibrant in the sunlight! **Does not Glow-In-The-Dark**

Glow-In-The-Dark DiscDots are infused with highly-concentrated Glow-In-The-Dark pigment that charges fast when exposed to UV (Sunlight and blacklight) – great for late night rounds and putting leagues!


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